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Jock Doc Podcast

May 29, 2023

Listen as Dr. London Smith (.com) and his producer Cameron discuss Absence (petit-mal) Seizure with Russian aspiring producer Natty Dark (Lauren Lox). 

Sponsored by Caldera + Lab (use code "jockdoc" to get 20% off!). Not so boring!

May 22, 2023

Listen as Dr. London Smith (.com) and his producer Cameron discuss Partial Seizure as they discuss Summer Travel. 

Sponsored by Caldera + Lab (use code "jockdoc" to get 20% off!). Not so boring!

May 15, 2023

Listen as Dr. London Smith (.com) and his producer Cameron discuss Tonic-clonic Seizure with special guest Andrew Steiner. 

Sponsored by Caldera + Lab (use code "jockdoc" to get 20% off!). Not so boring!

May 8, 2023

Listen as Dr. London Smith (.com) and his producer Cameron discuss Postherpetic Neuralgia with special guests Mr and Misses Beautiful (Schune Fu & Susan Teixeira). 

Sponsored by Caldera + Lab (use code "jockdoc" to get 20% off!). Not so boring!

May 1, 2023

Listen as Dr. London Smith (.com) and his producer Cameron discuss Trigeminal Neuralgia with special guest Steve (Nick Coluzzi of WizWorldLive). 

Sponsored by Caldera + Lab (use code "jockdoc" to get 20% off!). Not so boring!